We found 37 House Prices from your search

The House and Property Prices available are for the period November 2023 to November 2024 , for a 1km radius around AB21 7DE.

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House Price Search: 37 sales
Dist Date Sale Address Info Buy
30m 29/03/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
60m 25/06/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
90m 05/11/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
120m 28/05/24 Further information and overhead map for this addressProperty Accommodation Data Available
120m 29/04/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
150m 21/05/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
150m 19/08/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
160m 07/03/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
160m 31/01/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
160m 08/08/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
190m 05/09/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
210m 01/08/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
230m 11/11/24 Further information and overhead map for this addressProperty Accommodation Data Available
230m 10/07/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
230m 29/04/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
230m 11/06/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
260m 03/04/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
260m 21/11/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
270m 28/08/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
270m 30/10/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
270m 26/01/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
270m 16/02/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
300m 16/04/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
330m 02/05/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
340m 03/04/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
360m 22/04/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
370m 08/10/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
390m 22/05/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
410m 17/09/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
420m 11/10/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
430m 03/06/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
440m 15/11/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
440m 26/03/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
500m 01/07/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
520m 16/04/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
540m 04/09/24 Further information and overhead map for this address
560m 26/11/24 Further information and overhead map for this address

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